Thursday, December 01, 2005


I've been in two Univ. of Delhi colleges. They are the most un-happening of most educational institutions I've ever been to. With literally nothing to do during the free time, when unexpectedly there are strikes, laboratory in-charge teachers absent (3 hours to idle nothing!), lab. apparatus in some rare state and weird condition with concerned humans hardly bothered about (I wonder how do they manage to take those so called precise readings and make unerring observations with the unstable platforms and tables on which the apparatus like Searle's for Young's modulus are kept, keep shaking and just when you are at the crux of the experiment someone just happens to blow him/herself agaist the table, awesome is it not!), almost everytime there some like factor or other, uneconomical, so called 'utilization' of many working hours commuting and sitting idle, library doesn't seem to be very exciting either, books which scholars at Cambridge read esp. practical physics are often always missing (probably no body even knows about them).

We are just supposed to take a degree, in such a de-///... atmosphere, where whatever practical skills we already seem to have been good at be oratorical, extra-curricular etc. will most probably never come to happy and exciting use and possibly wipe of oneself with the such a withering 'college' life, I never thought college was supposed to be like this!